XPS DB Portal

Material name search

Material name containing: blank if not specified
(Chemical formula, customary name, etc.)


What's this?

This XPS DB portal was created with the purpose of cross-searching XPS spectral data in NIMS. The aims here are as follows:
* To view a single material from both the surface and the bulk by covering XPS and HAXPES spectra.
* To link to MDR XAFS DB as supplementary data and use as inner-shell knowledge.
* To create a sample name lexicon (NIMS XAFS DB Project Materials Dictionary, National Institute for Materials Science) and link to spectra under a representative name.
* To create a linkage between open/closed data for interoperability.
This project is a collaboration between Materials Data Repository (MDR) and Research Data Express (RDE) in NIMS.

このXPS DBポータルは、NIMSのXPSスペクトルデータを横断検索する目的で作成されました。
* XPSとHAXPESスペクトルを対象にして、一つの材料を表面とバルクの両面から眺めること
* 補足データとしてMDR XAFS DBと連携し、内殻ナレッジとすること
* 試料名を辞書化し(NIMS XAFS DB Project Materials Dictionary, National Institute for Materials Science)、代表名のもとでスペクトルへリンクを作ること
* オープン/クローズデータの接点を作り、相互運用につなげること


Masashi Ishii
e-mail: ISHII.Masashi(please use following domain for your mail, @nims.go.jp)
We welcome your participation in this project.